Family Law Forms
To help the many litigants who file cases in family courts who are not represented by an attorney (pro selitigants), and to improve the response of the courts to the pro se litigants, the Florida Supreme Court has adopted standardized family law forms that can be used by the pro se litigants to process their family law case. The court adopted forms are identified as Florida Family Law Rules and Procedure Forms, or Florida supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms, or Local Forms (which are forms that have been approved in writing by the Chief Judge of a judicial circuit).
Obtaining the Family Law Forms
You can obtain all of the family law forms adopted by the Florida Supreme Court that you will be required to file in a family law case at: Self Help - Family Law Forms.
If you do not have access to an Internet-connected device, you can visit any Jacksonville Public Library, or you may visit the Law Library located in the Duval County Courthouse, Second Floor Room 2291.
Case Managers are not Attorneys.
Case Managers are not authorized to fill out paperwork or to give legal advice.
If you have complicated legal issues, you will be advised to speak with an attorney.
Checklist and Forms available at Family Court Services are listed below:
Florida Courts HELP App
Florida Courts Help seeks to help Floridians who represent themselves in family law cases.
The Florida Courts Help app works on Apple and Android phones and tablets. The app offers in one place information for people seeking a divorce, adoption, orders of protection, name change, and other family law issues.