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Duval County Courthouse > Circuit and County Judges of the Fourth Judicial Circuit
Circuit and County Judges of the Fourth Judicial Circuit

Duval County 

Circuit Court

Division Judge Phone Courtroom/Hearing Room
CJ LANCE M. DAY 255-1228  7139
CV-B KATIE L. DEARING 255-1246 701
CV-C ROBERT M. DEES 255-1234 734
CV-E BRUCE ANDERSON 255-1258 739
CV-F JAMES H. DANIEL 255-1240 736
CV-H G. L. FELTEL, JR. 255-1303 712
PR-A KEVIN BLAZS 255-1282 746
PR-B THOMAS M. BEVERLY 255-1231 715
FM-B RUSSELL HEALEY 255-1052 711
FM-C MARK H. MAHON 255-1052 740
FM-D L. E. HUTTON 255-1052  707
FM-E MAUREEN HORKAN 255-1052  737
FM-F ASHLEY WELLS COX 255-1052  709
FM-G JOHN I. GUY 255-1052 742
DV-A ERIC ROBERSON 255-1052 210/719
CR-A LINDSAY TYGART 255-1243 505/717
CR-B LONDON KITE 255-1264 308/747
CR-C JONATHAN D. SACKS 255-1237 608/745
CR-D **MARK BORELLO 255-1285 306/730
CR-E TATIANA SALVADOR 255-2400 307/702
CR-F R. ANTHONY SALEM 255-1360 605/710
CR-G MEREDITH CHARBULA 255-1279 508/706
CR-H JEB BRANHAM 255-1291 408/733
JV-A/JV-B *MICHAEL A. KALIL 255-1309 204/744
JV-C/JV-D W. COLLINS COOPER 255-1270 202/714

County Court

Division Judge Phone Courtroom/Hearing Room
A EMMET F. FERGUSON, III  255-1315 403/721
B AUDREY MCKIBBIN MORAN  255-1318 512/728
C MICHAEL I. BATEH  255-1321 409/725
D RHONDA PEOPLES-WATERS 255-1255 404/720
E JAMES NEALIS  255-1327 404/720
F SHAYLA LEE     255-1330 512/728
G SCOTT MITCHELL  255-1333 310/735
H *KELLY E. ECKLEY-MOULDER  255-1336 309/727
I ROBIN LANIGAN   255-1339 410/726
J ELENI DERKE  255-1342 401/723
K KIMBERLY SADLER  255-1345 303/713
L MICHELLE KALIL  255-1348 310/735
M *MOSE FLOYD  255-1351 401/713
N GARY FLOWER  255-1354 403/721
O JULIE K. NELSON  255-1357 309/727
P *BROOKE BRADY  255-1261 410/726
Q *DAWN K. HUDSON  255-1363 409/725
(904) 255-1366

Clay County

Circuit Court

Division Judge Phone Number
B JAMES E. KALLAHER 904-269-6302
E ANGELA M. COX 904-269-6302
F *GARY WILKINSON 904-269-6302

County Court

Division Judge Phone Number
C RAYMOND E. FORBESS, JR. 904-269-6302
D *KRISTINA MOBLEY 904-269-6302

Nassau County

Circuit Court

Division Judge Phone Number
B STEVEN FAHLGREN 904-548-4910
A *MARIANNE L. AHO 904-491-7275
C *LESTER BASS 904-548-4933

County Court

Division Judge Phone Number
  *JENNY HIGGINBOTHAM  904-548-4945

** Administrative Judge-Problem-Solving Courts
* Problem-Solving Court Judge

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